While national, or even state, voting rights issues get a lot of news coverage, many important decisions impacting your right to vote happen right in your community. Your Supervisor of Elections, who is an elected official, decides where you will vote, when you can vote early, who will help you on election day and how they will be trained, how your signature on your vote-by-mail ballot will be validated and just how much assistance you will able to get navigating the voting process. For some populations, such as the elderly, those with disabilities, college students and others who move often, those without a permanent address or those held in jail, these decisions can result in insurmountable obstacles.

This step by step guide will walk you through developing a local campaign to convince your local supervisor of elections to adopt policies to improve access to voting.

One Page Issue Summaries

Use these printable summaries to educate your community and convince your supervisor of elections.

Research your County

These tables breakdown different election metrics by county.

Engage your SOE

Not everyone can travel to Tallahassee to lobby their legislators, but there is a lot you can do in your local community by simply spending time with your local supervisor of elections. Find your SOE office here!

As local officials, SOEs are accountable to all of us to run secure and efficient elections. Here’s what you can do to start advocating for these reforms: 

  1. Set up a meeting with your local SOE or their office and be specific about why you want to meet with your SOE and cover the issues we’ve outlined above. 
  2. Let them know you want to help and will be sharing what you learn with your fellow advocates and interested community members. 
  3. Once your meeting is set-up let us know you’ve scheduled a meeting or if you need help advocating locally by contacting us at [email protected]
  4. Please submit what you learn from the meeting through by completing this form

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